Saturday, June 4, 2016

Reminders and Google Calendar

[* update 6/26/16]

I've used Remember the Milk over the last few years (note for this discussion I'm referring to PC vs. smartphone applications).  I've used this service to track various recurring tasks, like paying monthly bills and taking certain meds, and it has a module which integrates with Google Calendar. For some reason, and I submitted a problem ticket on this with RTM, my recurring tasks stopped at the beginning of the month. In the meanwhile, I looked for a workaround.

Google of course has a Tasks product integrated with Calendar. But it really doesn't have recurring tasks functionality. I could use it for something like maintaining a honey do list of jobs around my home. Of course, you could create a recurring event like for birthdays and anniversaries in Google Calendar, but events are not generally tracked. For example, if my appliance bill is due on the 20th of the month, I can set up an event, even have Google send me a scheduled notification. But what I really want is a reminder which explicitly is checked off if and when I pay the bill, like in RTM. I can easily scan to see if there are open/overdue tasks/reminders.

I tried experimenting with a recurring tasks app which integrates with Google Tasks. It was not clear from app documentation about the update window, but I only saw a 3-week fill.

On further Googling, I saw references to integrated reminder functionality across different products like Google Keep, Indox, and Calender, replicating functionality on the smartphone side. But I didn't see a selection button for reminders vs. recurring events.

It turns out there's a conceptual piece of the puzzle which may not all that obvious; I came across a discussion in Google product forums where the Google analyst found herself saying the same thing multiple times. To provide context, I have 3 calendars under my account, presumably by default, a personal event calendar I normally interact with, birthdays and tasks. It turns out that task and reminder calendars must be toggled (I believe the default is tasks)., So, for example, if the task calendar is showing, you would switch to the reminder calendar by a pull-down menu to the right of the task calendar icon. (Personally I would have implemented a radio/checkmark option with both task and reminder calendar names showing.)

Once you toggle on the reminder calendar, entering/modifying reminders is straightfoward. For example, I might set up all-day reminders for taking my meds/vitamins. I left-click inside the day bubble to define the task and edit to set the recurring schedule.

[* update 6/26/16]  I had several unproductive encounters with RTM tech support: basically, how can we replicate the problem? I mean, how do you get any simpler than say I have 4 daily tasks, and when I check today's tasks, I see none listed? No follow-up.

What I have noticed in my Google Calendar RTM plug-in is when I complete the first overdue task, the next day's task of the same type pops up in my window. When I check the overdue tasks, it doesn't list the tasks separately for outstanding dates but the task with a date displaying the earliest overdue date. I still think this is counterintuitive. So, for example, if I lapsed for 2 days, today's date tasks will surface 2 days from now but will never appear in today's tasks.